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Get all cybersecurity needs covered
Trying to understand where your cybersecurity needs improvements?
Need immediate help addressing a breach?
Looking for ad hoc support?
Reduce anxiety about cybersecurity today with /ADDONS.
Frequently purchased add-ons to support end-to-end cybersecurity
Vulnerability and Trophy Cyber Assessment Subscriptions
Get regular check-ups to stay current with patching and risk while lowering insurance premium for reporting requirements.
Cybersecurity vCISO
Choose between a subscription and ad-hoc service that gets all your cybersecurity questions answered and learn about any changes.
Cybersecurity Project Staff Augmentation
Bolster your business by consulting with 7Sigma's industry-leading experts with cross-platform knowledge.
Cybersecurity Discovery
Receive a comprehensive review of your current cybersecurity infrastructure and suggestions for improvement.
Breach Coaching and Negotiations
Access immediate help in the event of a cyberattack by calling a number to speak with experts.
Get /ADDONS Today
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